Climate Business change
Get ready
Unleash the power of Circular Economy, Innovation, and Eco-friendly practices to Elevate your Business for Excellence, maximize Profits, and become the sustainable Leader in your industry.
personalized support
Zero waste
From Waste to Wealth!
Innovate, optimize and monetize from everything you consider zero value.
Adopt SMART Strategies for Profitable and Sustainable Business Growth
Inspired by Nature
Go Green
Embrace Nature's Wisdom,
Adopt natural Materials, natural Sources of Energy and natural Energy Flows.
Reduce your Footprint while increasing your Business Efficiency and Profit.
Cruelty free
Say no to exploitation
Inspiring change and empowering your business
I will guide you towards a Cruelty and Exploitation-Free approach,
unlocking Profitable process aligned with Kindnesses and Compassion.
Stay tuned
Be the Change
My name is João Fonseca. I studied Product Design + Sustainable Energetic Systems + Permaculture and I have been Developing Environmental Business Solutions for +10yI work with proven systems to implement Sustainable Eco-friendly and Conscious SMART actions to get Momentum and Drive the Change!I look forward to make your business more sustainable and profitable.